So this story is kinda long but so what, shut up and read.
I'm driving home from work last week and I see one of those bumper stickers that has that
"Know Jesus, Know Peace - No Jesus, No Peace" stuff on it. I kinda laugh because, as the people in my small group will tell you, since I have known Jesus I haven't known much peace. As a matter of good hard fact, this last year of my life has been one of the hardest on recent record. So I kinda scoff at the notion of knowing peace. (just as a sidebar, I'm not discouraged by this lack of peace, I have faith that whatever God is doing with my life is building me for better things.)
I meet with a friend of mine for lunch today (non christian) and I share my little
pitty party of a revelation with him. I will script out the remainder of this so you can follow, most of this is paraphrased because I don't remember it verbatim:
Friend "That is because there isn't a God and you are waiting for him to do something in your life instead of doing for yourself"
Me "I'm not waiting for s###, and how are you so sure there is no God"
F "
C'mon, really dude. Don't start that"
M "Do you have a cell phone?"
F "Yes"
M "Does it take pictures?"
F "Your point?"
M "How does that work? You know when you open your phone and hit the little button what happens? How does that 'picture' get from that little lens on the front to that screen on the back? If it broke do you know enough about it to fix it?"
F "No"
M "But it happens anyway! Even though with all of your wisdom and everything that you have taken it upon yourself to learn and be an expert with that stupid little phone can still take pictures even though you can't explain it"
This was met with a conversation that quickly devolved into foul language so I will spare you the rest.
My point is this, just because you don't understand something, doesn't make it impossible or improbable. I am willing to bet that 100% of the people reading this couldn't explain how the words I type get sent off through space to the Internet for all the world to read. But none the less, here it is for you to read.Some of you may say, "Yeah but I can read about that and learn how it works and maybe even how to recreate it". My response when asked why I believe in God is the same. I can read about him and how he works and maybe if I'm good enough even how to recreate what he did. I'm not there yet but I'm working on it. And I'm not going to spend all my time trying to figure out how everything works just so I can use it. I'd rather spend my time loving everything that God has left for us to find.......